What a weekend. ER visit!

As I mentioned in my last post, I managed to catch a throat infection and had a nasty rash around my neck. Well, later that day I spiked an almost 103F fever and we couldn’t get it down. Combine that with the nasty rash and we decided to go to the ER. The docs there think it may have been an allergic reaction to the Augmentin, but I have taken similar medicines before and the docs were puzzled that the rash was so localized. I stopped taking the Augementin and they gave me Benadryl and Prednisone. I slept well. We decided not to add any more meds for the throat infection.

My Lyme doc said it’s possible it was a Herx reaction, but she said we did the right thing by going to the ER (the ER docs said so too). Today the rash is completely gone, throat is pretty much all better, and no fever. Today I’m just Lyme sick – never thought that would be a good thing.

I’ve been having major anxiety attacks (tightness in chest, heart palpitations, heart racing, etc.)and sound sensitivity the last few days. I haven’t been taking my Gabapentin at night for sleep for the last few days (benadryl took care of that), but I forgot that the other reason she prescribed it was for anxiety. So, I’m going to start taking it again tonight. Hopefully that will knock out most of the anxiety. Also, something changed at work last week that should remove most of the work stress from me.

I also definitively figured out I can’t take the Propel packs. They make me feel sick – it’s the sucralose. I’ve had problems before with Splenda and Xylitol. Propel has sucralose (which is what Splenda is). It makes me seriously nauseous. I stopped it last week and felt so much better. Yesterday I wanted something besides water so I thought I’d try a Propel pack in double the water… nope – felt sick not too long after drinking a bit. It’s definitely the Propel. I mentioned it to my Lyme doc and she said it’s fine to not take it.

Still no appointment for the second opinion Lyme doc. They were supposed to call and haven’t. I may have to contact them again.

So, no Propel, and I’ll start the Gabapentin again… I have high hopes for more really good days. If every day was like Thursday’s 8/10 I could really say I’m doing ok. I feel like we’re figuring this out and making progress.

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