November doctor visit

Here are the highlights of the visit while it’s fresh in my head:

  • IgeneX tests all came back negative
  • LabCorp blood work showed CD57 was low (50) and my complement c4a was at 2253 and the norm is 0-650. The doctor said “you are very sick”.
  • She thinks I have Bartonella, based on my symptoms, so I’m going to start taking Mycobutin to combat Bartonella. She described it as a “harsh” antibiotic, so I’m not looking forward to that.
  • She’s going to take me off the clonazepam that I have been taking at night to sleep and put me instead on Neurontin. She said it is not addictive like clonazepam and should help with the anxiety issues too.
  • She gave me a diet to follow. I was dreading this day. It’s hardcore. No flour, no starches, no sugars, no caffeine, no alcohol. Basically, I can have meat and non-starch vegetables. Ugh. This may be worse than the lyme :) It doesn’t mention nuts. I wonder if I can have nuts? Seems like those would be a good protein snack.
  • She wants me to change some of my supplements too. Double the daily Artemisinin, change to Theralac probiotic, and add in Perque adrenal support supplements.
  • CBC and CMP blood work done every two weeks now to keep an eye on things.

6 thoughts on “November doctor visit

  1. Hi, my doctor put me on this diet last year and it was the best thing I ever did. It gave me some control over how I was feeling which was a huge blessing! There are so many great recipes and bloggers out there for how to get though it, and I actually still typically eat this way. You can make a lot of things out of almond meal to make it flour free (I’ve never gone back to flour) and make pasta out of julienne peeled veggies for example. If you’re allowed fruit my favourite ever dessert is a frozen banana processed with a tablespoon of cacao and a tablespoon of Greek yogurt. So easy and healthy and tastes like choc soft serve. Happy to give you some websites for good recipes if you like! I know it sounds hard but it doesn’t have to be! Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the info! I’m actually going to post the exact diet the doc gave me soon. It didn’t say yes or no to nuts but everything I have read online seems to say nuts are ok. And some fruits are ok if they are more fibrous. I think banana was on the list :) My problem is I’m not a big fan of fruits or veggies really. I’ll have to deal with it though. I like salads though. Just have to get a good dressing.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Seriously search for recipes online, it’s the only way I got through it. There are some really creative people out there! You can do things like cauliflower mashed potato and almond meal chicken schnitzel, so many more. The healthy chef (theresa cutter) was my starting point. Then ive found apps like “clean and green eating” and “nourish yourself” as well as blogs like primally inspired. They would have dressings :) but salads will get boring fast if thats all you do!


  2. Hi Brian,
    What are some of your symptoms of Bartonella? I was tested for it when I was first diagnosed with Lyme but it came back negative. However, through all of my research it seems that co-infection tests are not very reliable. Just curious. Thanks! :)


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